RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS BY DESIGN Reuter Benefits: Helping You, Your Company & Your Employees With Your Insurance Needs

News Room

Canada Pension Plan Changes

The Government will gradually introduce these changes from 2011 to 2016.

Click here to view a video presentation from
Service Canada Click here to view a video presentation from Service Canada
Download pdf booklet download pdf

Financial Markets Review

The Year 2010 in Review: Canadian, US and International market activity.

2010 Market Review - English

2010 Market Review - French

Group Plan Member Newsletter

March 2011: The Importance of Your Beneficiary Designation

View the pdf newsletter: English or en Français.
Plan Sponsor Notices

January 2011 English

January 2011 French




Why Retirement Solutions by Design?


Experience & Innovation

At Retirement Solutions by Design we offer our clients over 135 years of in-house Group Retirement plan experience. As a market leading governance, communications, and retirement planning organization we work closely with our clients and employees to deliver customized solutions in our client’s best interests. In addition we have undertaken a national network of service professionals with the credentials to support a unique “one on one” service model for plan members.

Solutions for Today’s Business

Given today’s business environment, organizations must focus all their energies on their core business to maintain their competitive position. Retirement Solutions by Design ensures that we are your Group Retirement partners. We ensure that we remain current on all issues related to the Group Retirement Business, providing you with the information you need and timely advice. For plan members we provide information on financial markets, investments and retirement planning in a way they understand, therefore becoming more engaged. At the end of the day that means members make quality decisions that have meaningful results for their retirement plan.

Custom Consulting

Retirement Solutions by Design will take the time to learn about your organization, your business, your employees, and your needs.. In doing so we can create customized solutions for your organization and your employees to achieve your goals.

Ongoing reviews, evaluations, information and member education are critical elements in a CAP environment and an overall governance model for organizations, pension committees and plan members. We ensure that your plan operates efficiently and remains in compliance, addressing your “fiduciary responsibilities”. In addition through our member education, communication and services we gain appreciation and recognition, for your organization, from plan members.

Why We’re Different

Retirement Solutions by Design maintains strong business relationships with Canada’s leading administration and investment organizations. While basic recordkeeping and service should be considered a given in today’s competitive environment, we maintain the relationships, size and strength to ensure our clients needs, however unique, are met. In addition, our member education, advice and communication model offers our clients a “best of class” professional approach unique in the Group Retirement Industry.

Resources You Can Rely On

Your organization, Pension Committee, and employees always have access to the professional resources you need. In addition we provide links to industry, regulators and independent sources to your Group Retirement Experience. Whether it be compliance, regulatory filing, Board of Directors support, or member education and planning Retirement Solutions by Design will be with you every step of the way.



Making it our business to accommodate your needs today and tomorrow!

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